Top Memorial guarantees you 100% satisfaction. We will send you a proof of the work before final completion of the job. If you are not satisfied with the proof, Top Memorial will work on it until the proof meets your approval for no additional charge. Once you have given us approval of the proof, the work will begin production. Once the proof is approved and printing has begun, we cannot make additional changes.
Submitting any photograph or document original or other material to Top Memorial constitutes an agreement by you that Top Memorial is not responsible for any damage or loss to photographs or other originals which might be incurred while in transport by the United States Postal Service or in transport by any other shipper or courier service used. Any loss or damage in transit will be the responsibility of the United State Postal Service or the shipper or courier service used either by you or Top Memorial and any recourse will be according to the terms of the United States Postal Service or the shipper or courier service used. No recourse can be sought from Top Memorial for any such loss or damage.
Submitting any photograph or document original or other material to Top Memorial for restoration constitutes an agreement by you that you own the copyright for that photograph, document or other material, if any such copyright exists. Top Memorial cannot be held liable for any infringement of copyright laws wrongfully submitted to us without our knowledge. Regarding copyright indemnification, the purchaser agrees to hold Top Memorial harmless for all costs, expenses, attorney’s fees or judgments resulting from any claims or lawsuit made against Top Memorial for any grounds claiming that the work produced violates any copyright or proprietary right of any person or entity.
Top Memorial services and products are provided by us “as is” with no warranties whatsoever, all express, implied, and statutory warranties, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, are expressly disclaimed, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Top Memorial disclaims any warranties for the security, reliability, timeliness and performance of this website and is not liable for any loss or injury, direct or indirect arising from the use of this website or from any information, services or products provided through this website, even if this website has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Links to third parties are provided on this website as a convenience to users of the site and do not imply endorsement, guarantee or liability on the part of Top Memorial for any third party or the products referenced.
All content and graphics on this site are protected by United States and international copyright laws and may not be copied or re-used without the written permission of Top Memorial or the respective owner of any image used for purposes of displaying a product example. The Top Memorial name and logo, product names and product logos, all service marks, graphics and marketing slogans on this website are the property of Top Memorial and cannot be copied or used in any way by any individual or party and are subject to the United States and international copyright laws.
Top Memorial values the privacy of our customers and the users of this website. In the course of business, we may collect personal information, including name, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other information. We may use “cookies” to track how users use our website. We may use the information collected to gather statistics regarding the use of our website and its effectiveness.
Top Memorial does not disclose any personal information we collect to any other source or company or partner. We do not share this information with any partners, subcontractors or any third party. While we make every effort to protect the information we collect, we cannot guarantee the complete security of Internet connections and servers which we do not own or manage.
Our website may contain links to other websites for news and other information. Our Privacy Policy only applies to the Top Memorial website and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites. You should check the privacy policies of those sites before providing your personal information to them.
We use a third-party service provider to serve ads on our behalf across the Internet and sometimes on this site. They may collect anonymous information about your visits to our website and your interaction with our products and services. They may also use information about your visits to this and other websites to target advertisements for goods and services. This anonymous information is collected through the use of a pixel tag, which is industry standard technology used by most major websites. No personally identifiable information is collected or used in this process. They do not know the name, phone number, address, email address or any personally identifying information about the user.
We also work with a third party to monitor certain pages of our website for the purpose of reporting website traffic and other advertising statistics. Where authorized by us, this third party may use cookies and/or other monitoring technologies to compile anonymous statistics about our website visitors. No personally identifiable information is transferred to this third party.
Top Memorial reserves the right to return your work submission undone. If so, your original will be returned with an explanation of the reason for refusal to do the work. An example of a reason why we might refuse work would be if the request includes indecency, obscenity or is pornographic in nature, as interpreted by Top Memorial.
Every package leaving our facility is carefully inspected and we guarantee our cards to be free of defects and manufacturing errors. If you find any quality issues with your order, please contact us within days from the arrival date of receiving your cards and state reason for refund request. Upon receiving your refund request, we shall contact you to discuss if needed for further information. If a refund is granted, we will proceed to provide a replacement, a refund or credit your account once we have received and inspected the returned items. Please note, you shall be responsible for returning the products to us in an unused and damage free condition to qualify for refunds. Understandably, personalized items cannot be accepted for return, unless there is a manufacturing error such as a spelling mistake not found on the approved proof.
All payments are made through Paypal or PayPal Pro. Both websites automatically encrypt your confidential information using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).
Terms of Use
Last Updated January 21, 2020